sábado, 10 de enero de 2015

Susan Halliwell

Listen and do 

I have chosen an activity of Susan Halliwell called ‘Listen and arrange’ to make use of classroom language in Lisen and do activities. It belongs to group 1 ‘Do something about it” of the book Teaching English in the Primary classroom. Useful examples of this type of language are:

- Recalling routines

 - Instructions for true or false activities

For the activity indicated above children are being asked to arrange a picture according to the information they hear.

To show the class what to do, the teacher needs five names on slips of paper and the picture of a house with different rooms. First, she will make a statement to show what to do. For example “Cathy is in the bedroom”, and she sticks the name slip in the appropriate place. Then, she’ll come out different pupils to let clear what they have to do.

After, they will be ready to work on their own. For this, the teacher will hand out basic sheets of a house for each child or pair of children. Now they have to cut out the slips and we have two options: we can follow the procedure before, checking the true statement in the picture of the board; or we can let them to play in pairs.  

Also you can adapt this activity to use high technology:

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